Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of Child Protection Regulation on Practices
Impact of Child Protection Regulation on Practices Introduction: Supporting children means working for the development of the care systems, development of the education of the of the children around the world. Saving children from the disability problems and making an environment of nondiscrimination of gender and other aspects. Through giving supports to the children for expressing their opinions and views freely we can support the children. There are several legislative policies and procedures issued for the betterment of the children but the successful imposition and make those policies and procedures come in to force is much important than only issuing those policies and procedures. When you are going to make those legislative issues come into force you have to take it into mind that how those should be implemented and how successfully they works for the betterment of the children. Describe the main legislation which relate to working with children. Some main legislation that relate to working with children are as follows: United Nation Convention on the Rights of a Child-1989 The United Nations Convention based on the Rights of a Child that was signed by the UK in the year 1991. This convention sets out the principles for a legal framework to justify all the aspects for the care system, development and education of all the children around the world. The articles made on that convention cover: disability, nondiscrimination of gender, nondiscrimination on the grounds of religion, language, social or ethnic origin; economic, social care, cultural and all other protective rights related to children. Protection of the Children Act 1999 The Protection of the Children Act 1999 had come into force in October 2000 and this act gives the Secretary of any State the power to keep a list of people who are not suitable to work with children and vulnerable young people. All authorized childcare organizations have a statutory duty to refer particular individuals for the inclusion in the list they have to keep. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 An amendment to the DDA act 1995 is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, that amendment extends the requirement for making some reasonable adjustments for the people who are disabled to include schools, colleges and other education providers as well. Every Child Matters: Change for Children act 2003 In the year 2003, the Government had published a green paper called ‘Every Child Matters’. This paper was published including a wide consultation with the people who are working in childrens services and with their parents, children and young vulnerable people as well people. Following that consultation, the Government also published ‘Every Child Matters’: the Next Steps, and passed the Children Act 2004 later on. Children Act 2004 Children Act 2004 is an update of the Children Act 1989 but it does not supersede the Children Act 1989. Children Act 2004 provides a legislative base for a wider strategy that will improve the childrens living standard. This also covers those universal services which every child must accesses, and provides more targeted services for those people with additional needs. This updated Children Act 2004 also placed a new duty on the local government to promote the educational achievement for looking after the children. The other legislations that relates with the working children are as follows: Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006, updated 2010 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Childcare Act 2006 Equalities Act 2010 Discuss the ways that different pieces of legislation determine and influences the working practices. There we got several legislations on the working practices with children around the world. There are some ways that different pieces of legislation determine and influences the working practices. Safeguarding the children: Different legislations on working with children underpins the laws to safeguard the children from being exploited. Those legislations make the local authorities compel to take care about the children in their area. Understanding of rights: A better understanding of rights and power relationships has been established by different legislative programs for many years. Those act and laws that are established by the governing body of any country helps to determine the rights the vulnerable children must acquire. Anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice: Different pieces of legislation determine and influence the working practices with children in the way that helps children being oppressed and discriminated. Anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices are established and came into force by the grace of those different pieces of legislation. Working with diversity: Working with diversity is not just about gender, sexual orientation or race. In our communities there we see many factors that make each of the individual responsible for the roles they must have to play; the role of values, culture, attitudes and social power are all important in the field of working with children. Different pieces of legislation are able to determine accomplish those roles. 2.1 Describe how policies and practices can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies. Children and young people need to know what to expect when they are with us. This means you need to be fair and consistent in your behavior to the children. To be fair and consistent in behavior to the children you need to follow some strategies which can be established by you or any expertise in practice. The policies and practices described in the laws and acts regarding working with the children can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies need to be precisely established for working with the children. Policies and practices require the services providers to make reasonable and accurate adjustments so that disabled children can access their services to the best level. Policies and practices gave the authorities a duty to promote and reinforce equality for disabled and vulnerable children. Policies and practices can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies because it make compel all regulated and authorities childcare organizations have a statutory duty to appoint individuals for the inclusion in the list and must not appoint individuals and volunteers, in posts that policies bring them into contact for working with the children, whose names are included in the list they made. The policies of Children Act 2004 aims is to encourage integrated planning regarding the children, commissioning and delivery of the services as well as improve the multi-disciplinary working systems, remove duplication of the policies, increase accountability of the service workers and improve the coordination of individuals working within the same grounds and joint inspections in the local authorities. 3.1 Describe some ways that settings may use to ensure that practitioner can access policies. Practitioners can access policies regarding working with children. The practitioner must need to know some information that may help them to access policies. They must acquire knowledge about How to deal with those children who often face stereotyping and prejudice problem for a wide variety of reasons. How to treat children who need to have valued their cultures and customs and understand the importance of culture to children. How to introduce culture and customs to the children for their everyday learning. Parents and careers who often don’t want to highlight issues of discrimination that happens to them. Children who often suffer issues of discrimination in silence and never make claims to get out of those discriminations. About the prejudice incidents they don’t hear/see, that does not mean that they are not happening to the children. About the parent’s abuse and prejudice language incident is not acceptable. About the new arrivals to the setting or this country often suffer from culture shock. Stereotyping on any grounds is not acceptable particularly regarding to work with the children. Acquiring knowledge about all the cultures and customs need to be embraced. The practitioner need to know how children experience the world differently depends on their background. Knowing about their religion, belief and dress can also help the practitioner to get access to the policies regarding the working with children. If practitioner needs to get access to the policies they to know how to support the literacy and language needs of parents and careers, how to respect all families and the children of those families, how to support staff to build up a working knowledge of diverse communities for the betterment of the children. Going through those tasks a practitioner who is going to work to with the children can get access to the policies relating to the children’s safeguard and development. 3.2 Apply knowledge of a wide range of procedures for safeguarding children to show understanding of the appropriate ways to follow these procedures. Determining the needed procedures for safeguarding children is just the first step for working with the children. Here we applied knowledge of a wide range of procedures for safeguarding children to show understanding of the appropriate ways to follow these procedures. Communication to staff, parents and children. The career must consider different communication needs and methods. They need to tell everyone why procedures are needed for working with the children and answer any questions they may have. Training and awareness for all the service providers at the initial stage and then they have to update their staff’s knowledge on a continuous basis. Specific training for those with lead or named responsibility for child safeguarding. Induction new workers need to know safeguarding procedures and their responsibilities included in their induction system before they start to have contact with the children. Monitoring and supervision of the application used in the procedures. Workers also need to be asked about safeguarding issues and awareness when discussing their progress and review of their work regarding children’s development. Recording and information sharing are those procedures that will examine is everything accurate and within the guidelines of your established procedures? Do service providers need any support or additional training programs to be arranged in recording and sharing information with each other and other agencies? Recruitment and vetting states; do all the recruitment processes take safeguarding of the children into account? Managing allegations or prejudice incidents within your organization; after an allegation or suspicion about a child safeguarding concern has been investigated thoroughly, there could be strong feelings from the service providers, parents and children and possibly within the wider society, which will need to be addressed first. There could be some other issues around the workplace: communication rumor or fact guilt or blame; if suspicions have been around for a long time impact on children, of the nature of what have occurred and to whom there have gaps in the organization in terms of roles and posts held. There should be some plan opportunities for sharing information, support and debriefing about the children. Your communication strategy should include responding to possible media enquiries relating to the children. 4.1 Evaluate one theoretical perspective which underpins the development of strategies for empowering children. Here we have evaluate one theoretical perspective named ‘Contemporary Childhood Theory – Beyond the Boxes’ This paper we made here has been drawn from recent a ‘Childhood Theory’ as set out by Alan Prout (2005). Alan argues that childhood period is heterogeneous and complex in nature. He also suggests that the time has come for the new social studies of working with the children to move beyond the promoting of the notion that the child is an agent to recognizing that different paradigms each have something to offer the analysis the behavior of the children. He urges us on his paper not to produce any normalized description but to ‘keep the question of what children is open’. He suggests the impact of technology on children is widely exaggerated and that we need to move away from false dichotomies in our analysis of childhood of the children Specifically he challenges in his theoretical perspective the nature and culture divide drawing from a number of authors to argue we cannot separate out technology/science from culture in which children lives. He suggests that the future of children is dependent on writers coming to terms with that notion ‘nature culture’. Pout also states, ‘Thus I want to argue that only by understanding the way in which childhood of children is constructed by the heterogeneous elements of nature and culture, which in any case cannot be easily separated, will it be possible to take the field forward’.. He further traces the emergence of Childhood Studies in the 19th and 20th century concluding that this period is characterized by writing that promotes false divisions between the social and biological and that these must be overcome if childhood studies of children is to continue to advance as a discipline. It is argued that the variables in the social life are in constant interplay and that small variables at a point in time can change the history of a system. The central of this discussion is the belief that different systems with similar starting points can end up radically different. Indeed, Prouts has promoted of the concept of bifurcation – the idea that some changes are non-reversible gives much hope for the application of Childhood theory of the children of practical settings. Prout also makes a aware and courageous decision to moves away from his contemporaries in the children’s Childhood Studies who still reify the social. This discuss of theoretical perspective underpins the development strategies for empowering children. 4.2 Assess the effectiveness of the strategies which empower children to develop self-confidence and self-reliance. Following a daily routine is a strategy which has most preferences in use to empower children. The daily routine for children provides with a consistent and predictable sequence of daily events that gives all the children a sense of control over what happens in their day to day life. Different types of settings develop different routines depend how long children do stay in the premises and their age limit, but most of the daily routines contain basic components such as: a) outside routine, b) large group time, c)small group time, d) register time, e) art/craft time, f) tidy up time and g) snack/meal time. During following the daily routine the children learns to make their choices and discovers their consequences. This system creates sort of secure environment for the children, because children know what to expect and this appropriate allows them to be more involve in the tasks and more co-operative with the practitioner in charge. The second strategy for empowering children is planning and providing different activities and experiences for children. This strategy is suggested by the EYFS because this strategy allows for adventure, exploration and gaining new experiences through different activities. Different activities, which provide developed range of skills and abilities to the children. Taking part in different activities allows children learn social interactions and behaviors’ such as sharing equipment, taking turns 5.1 Explain the key issues which relate to the practice which support children to prepare for transfer and transitions. When preparing children for transfer and transitions some key issues will need to be addressed to support them. Information through research indicates that there are some specific essential components for supporting successful transfer and transitions in children, including the following: 1. Ensuring basic needs are met properly. 2. Maintaining and encouraging positive relationships. 3. Providing basic support and resources to children in their new environment and modify or adapting daily routines, as appropriate. 4. Providing choices and involving the children in the transfer and transition process to promote and support self-advocacy. 5. Supporting the need for increased independence and helping children create their own identity. 6. Ensuring that all transfer and transition plans are well coordinated and integrated and information is shared with parents and across sectors. Supporting the child through the transfer and transition can be vital for their successfulness, if the correct support is put in the correct place the children will be more comfortable with the changes that are happening in their life. 6.1 Discuss the causes and effects on children of discrimination in society in ways that show a clear understanding of the nature of discrimination. If the children are in contact with discrimination they often want help of participating others, that time they become less confident around others and also isolate themselves to reduce the risk of being upset or hurt by others. Causes are: Social separation; if someone seems socially not confident then they may not seclude themselves from social situations; this can be happened to the children also. People’s opinions; we know that everyone has their own views and opinions on different things happened around them; however in practical life you should be able to share everyones opinions and provide equal opportunities for everyone as well. Differences; if someone can point out differences in a person then other people, especially children, they can pick up on this leading to the discrimination they face . Religions; do you a setting educate and celebrate different religions? Celebrating different events exist in various religions to educate everyone on the difference of the world. Effects are: Becomes isolated; this is lonely and cheerless for the children that it’s effecting them, their self-confidence will be lower than the normal stage, therefore they also separate themselves from others to avoid contact which may make them upset which can stump their social development as well. Opinions can be relayed onto others; if someone talks about their own opinion enough then other people can start to agree with them, or may be pressured into thinking the same as, this can mean more severe discrimination will be caused against children because of their new views. Conclusion: In confine we can state it that supporting children is a task that has to carry out very carefully. To support the vulnerable children first off all you have to go through all the legislative issues relating to supporting children around the world. Those legislations work in different ways in the practice. Those legislation must be drawn out and implemented in a way that they can give fair, just and inclusive view to the strategies the practitioner follows to guide the children under him/her. The practitioner who works with the children must have the ability to understand the policies related to the supporting the children.
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